Mastering the margarita requires a certain amount of practice, but once you dial-in your perfect ratio, it's a really easy cocktail to replicate. The classic...
Ah, the taste of summer. This classic lemonade recipe is the one my mom used to make for me when I was little. It's the perfect combination of sweet and...
This recipe I love to make around Thanksgiving to drink or give as presents at Christmastime. The longer you wait the better it is, try and wait 4 weeks....
This is an old family favorite, handed down from my great-grandmother. The holidays officially begin with Christmas carols and my favorite hot spiced tea!...
This is without a doubt the best punch I've ever had! Makes enough for 2 punch bowls. This is our Christmas Eve punch tradition, and there is never a drop...
This recipe uses an automatic coffee maker to brew the cider. If you don't own one, heat it in a slow cooker or a saucepan over medium heat on the stovetop....
The cosmopolitan, typically referred to as the 'cosmo,' gained popularity during the 1990s when it was frequently mentioned on the television show Sex...
This is my copycat version of the popular Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino®! Top each glass with whipped cream and drizzle additional caramel over the whipped...
I love this tangy beverage on a cold winter's morning when I want something tasty and hot, but don't want coffee! It makes a great gift from your kitchen,...
Imagine a luxuriously textured bourbon-spiked custard being sipped through a thin layer of nutmeg-scented meringue. Based on Alton Brown's famous version,...
if you're looking for a simple hot chocolate mix without the trans fats, this is it! For each serving, add 1/4 cup cocoa mix to 1 cup hot water, stirring...
All of my friends rave about these frosty drinks. I pour my leftover coffee in ice cube trays and keep them on hand all the time. You can make fun squiggly...
I make this at the beginning of the cold weather, and have it ready all winter. Vary the flavor of your mix by trying flavored nondairy creamer; I like...
This delicious peach iced tea tastes eerily similar to a famous Italian chain restaurant's peach tea. Serve tea over ice and garnish with peach slices,...
One of the great classic bourbon cocktails, the Old Fashioned was invented in Louisville, KY. Try bourbon, rye, or a blended whiskey in this cocktail....
I based this homemade iced coffee on Starbucks® bottled Frappuccino®. My husband and I love it and our fridge is never without a pitcher of this super...
Whipping cream makes this chocolate milkshake creamy and as light as air. Drizzle with chocolate syrup after you pour in the cream for an even more sensational...
If you're looking for a little something special for an adult event and are tired of the traditional gelatin shots, this one's for you! It's quick and...
This is punch is so extremely easy to make that a child could do it, yet it is so delicious. It is always served at our family gatherings, and my sisters,...
Sit on the front porch in your rocking chair on a sultry afternoon and sip on one or two of these. The proper way to serve a mint julep is in a frozen...